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It's Just One Decimal Point...

I hope your Summer was everything you needed it to be. And if you're like me and feeling like you've got a semi-permanent windblown look, well, you're in good company. Speaking of running hard this season…

My best friend runs marathons. A LOT of marathons. I believe she’s up to eight of these 26.2 courses in the past 5 years, with no signs of stopping. If my math is right, that’s 209.6 miles of races. Not to mention the thousands of miles she’s put in to train for these major feats.

And so, being the bestie that I am, those of you who follow me on Instagram know that every time she runs her 26.2 miles somewhere around the globe, I jump on my treadmill and push through a 2.62 solo race.
You know, basically the same as a marathon if you don’t look at where the decimal point is. (*wink)

Before all of you distance runners come after me, you’ve gotta know this is not the message where I water down the intense commitment for all of you who run these incredible distances. I like to think, as a collegiate cross country runner, I “get” the running high. The adrenaline, the fanatical community, the pushing-yourself-farther-than-you-did-yesterday… I feel that deep in my bones (and my worn out hip flexors). I ran more than I probably should have … but that’s for another email another day.

The point that I’ve been pondering as it relates to this “what difference does one decimal point make?” is this:

There’s purpose in our 2.62. Even if others are doing more. Even if nobody sees it. Even if there’s no immediate reward.

Whether you’re a runner or not - I think that’s great news!

One of my favorite verses has become, “Do not despise your small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” (Zechariah 4:10)

He literally rejoices when we take the first step!

Whatever your 2.62 is… Maybe it's actually in running or another fitness goal. Or perhaps you're committed to start a new business project, or a new habit with your children, or investing in new relationships. Whatever it is, we have to be okay with our starting line. And, we have to be honest where that starting line is.

Can I say one more thing? Your 2.62 miles - they count. A lot.

What started as an inside joke has become one of my favorite ways to show my bestie that I’m cheering her on and being “in the race” with her as best as I can. So when she’s pushing through the inevitable mental wall at mile 18 and the physical wall at well, maybe every mile… she knows I’ve promised to run 2.62 miles in her honor.

So for me, my 2.62 means I'm showing up. I'm keeping my promise. I'm thinking of others and putting them first. I'm doing what I committed to doing. And with every out-of-breath stride and every .2 mile ticks by, it matters.

Okay friend, now I want to know what you're considering your “2.62” in this season. And as always, I'm cheering for you (yes, likely from my treadmill), and I know that if I can do it, so can you.

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see. Hugs!


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Writer. Entrepreneur. Dreamer.
Ashlee Ilg