I'm so glad you're here. Stick around ~ there's so much to see. Hugs! 


Hey there!
Around the Site

Hugs, Hacks, & High-Fives

just for You!

the blog

My treadmill has been both a source of destruction and one of redemption in my life. These are the inspired stories (and maybe a little life lesson or two) that I hope will encourage you. And most importantly, they are all a reminder that what the enemy tried to use for evil, God is indeed using it for good. 

The inspiration behind my treadmill

Tread Talks

browse around


I also think we probably have more in common than we might think, and your dreams are worth pursuing with everything you've got. That idea that keeps you up at night? Yes, THAT one. I'd love to hear about it (especially if it sounds extra crazy!) so I can cheer you on.

I'm a rebellious rule-follower who believes sweating is fun & being awkward is cool.

Ashlee ilg

Are you the Sun Bather, the Sandcastle Builder, the Skim Boarder, or the Surfer Babe?

Let’s find out so we can move forward into a life of our greatest purpose! 

Quiz Time!

What kind of Dreamer are you?

Let's Find Out!

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see. Hugs!


Hey there!
Writer. Entrepreneur. Dreamer.
Ashlee Ilg