I'm so glad you're here. Stick around ~ there's so much to see. Hugs! 


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Around the Site
Plot Twists!

Finding purpose in the

Are you the Sun Bather, the Sandcastle Builder, the Skim Boarder, or the Surfer Babe? Let’s find out so we can drop the weights that have kept us stuck and reclaim our greatest dreams! 

What kind of dreamer are you, really?

Quiz Time

Did we just Become BEST friends?

I chased an aerospace communications career in a black pinstriped pencil skirt until I literally collapsed one day. Thankfully, God had a better plan. Today, I'm still learning to embrace the unknown and pursue dreams that are too big for my size 7 1/2 shoes, but I'm doing it anyway, awkward and all.  

I'm a recovering perfectionist and over-achiever who believes in the impossible.

Meet Ashlee

I'm on a mission to empower women to find their inner superpower (hint: it doesn't come from us) so that we can live our biggest purpose. And I believe we can do that better together than any of us can on our own. Each of our unique gifts, talents, and strengths are needed. Will you join me in pursuing something bigger than ourselves? 

Because we are better together...

I believe our unique story and perspective can reach just one more. And the ripple effect of that one is immeasurable. Will you help me share the message of pursuing dreams bigger than ourself? And perhaps even more importantly, of teaching the next generation that their gifts are meant for a great purpose? 

Because our voice might reach just one more...

I believe in the power of community. Together, we are stronger than if we are trying to accomplish anything alone. That's why I'm passionate about creating events to celebrate each of us along our journeys, and empower us to finish strong. Before we get lost in the hustle of it all, let's take time to reset, refresh, and remember our greatest pursuit.

Because hugs & high-fives are better IRL...

Dream. Plan. Do!

Listen to the latest episodes of the Big ideas Podcast and get the mindset of a successful business owner.

Join the Movement - and Make Money!

Kids Business Day isn't just an event - it's a movement! Get involved & reserve your spot today!

Calling all

your dreams

You're in the right place

it's time to chase down

I'm so glad you're here, stick around, there's so much to see. Hugs!


Hey there!
Writer. Entrepreneur. Dreamer.
Ashlee Ilg